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Latest IELTS Speaking Questions
February & March 2025
Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Describe a historical figure you are interested in. Please say: - Who this person is - What this person did - Why this person is important - How you learned about this person
Describe a time when you saw a lot of pollution. You should say: - when you saw it - what kind of pollution it was - what you did whey you saw it - and explain how you felt about it.
Describe a piece of art (i.e. painting, sculpture) that you remember seeing. You should say: - Where you saw it - What it looked like - What it made you think or feel - Explain why it was memorable to you.
Describe a time when you tried a new food for the first time. You should say: what food it was, where you ate it, who you were with and explain why you decided to try it and how you felt afterwards.
Describe an interesting tradition in your country. You should say: - What the tradition is - When it occurs - How you participate - Why you think it's interesting
Describe a book that had a major influence on you. You should say: what the book is, who the author is, how you first heard of the book, what the main story/ideas of the book are, and explain how it influenced your outlook on life.
Describe a book that had a major influence on you. You should say: what the book's title is; who wrote the book; what the book is about; and explain why the book had such a significant influence on you.
Describe an important decision you have made recently. You should say: - What the decision was - Why you had to make this decision - How long it took you to make it - And explain how you feel about this decision now
Describe a time when you made a promise to someone. You should say: - who you made the promise to - what the promise was - why you made the promise And explain if you were able to fulfill this promise or not.
Describe a book you have recently read. You should say: - What the book was about - Why you chose that particular book - What you learned or how you felt after reading it
Describe an incident that you still remember from your school days. You should say: - What the incident was - Where and when it happened - Who was involved - And explain why you still remember this incident.
Describe a piece of art (painting, sculpture, etc.) that you appreciate. You should say: - what piece of art it is - where you saw it - why it impressed you - and explain how you felt about it.
Describe a time when you tried a new foreign food for the first time. You should say: - What the food was - Where you ate it - What it tasted like - And explain how you felt about it.
Describe a success your friend has achieved. You should say: - What the success was - How your friend achieved it - When it happened - And explain your feelings when you heard about the success.
Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision. You should say: what the decision was, why you had to make this decision, how you felt about it, and explain why it was difficult for you.
Describe a time when you gave advice to someone. You should say: - Who you gave the advice to - What the advice was about - How the person reacted and explain why you thought it was good advice.
Describe an important event that you celebrated recently. You should say:
Describe a book that had a major influence on you. You should say: - What the book is - Who wrote it - What the book is about - Explain why this book had such a major impact on you
Describe an important decision you have made. You should say: - What the decision was - Why you had to make this decision - What the results of the decision were And explain how you feel about this decision now.
Describe an interesting person you have met recently. You should say: - who this person is - how you met them - what they do - and explain why you found them interesting.
Describe a special meal you would like to have. You should say: - Where you would like to have it - What you would like to eat - Who you would like to share it with - And explain why you would like to have this particular meal.
Describe a book that had a major influence on you. Please say - what book it is - where you read it - why it influenced you - explain how it changed your perspective or thought process.
Describe a useful mobile application that you often use. You should say: - what the app is - how often you use it - what functions it has - and explain why you find it useful.
Talk about a piece of music that means a lot to you. You should say: - What the piece of music is - When you first heard it - Why it means so much to you - Explain what feelings or emotions it evokes in you
Describe a situation when you had to be friendly to a person you dislike. You should say: - who the person was; - why you did not like this person; - what the situation was; - and explain why you had to be friendly.
Describe a memorable visit you had to a park or garden. You should say: - where this place is - what makes it special - what you did there - and explain why this visit was memorable for you.
Describe a time you spent with friends that you enjoyed. You should say: where you were, who you were with, what you did, and explain why you enjoyed the time you spent with your friends.
Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting. You should say: - where this place is - what you did at this place - who you went there with - and explain why you liked it there.
Describe a music concert you have attended. You should say: - when and where you went - who you went with - what kind of music was played - and explain how you felt about this concert.
Describe a book you have recently read: You should say: - what the book is - what the book is about - why you chose to read it - and explain how you felt about the book.
Describe a historical period you would like to know more about. You should say: - What the period is - Where this period is from - What you already know about this period - And explain why you would like to know more about this period.
Describe a movie that you watched and really enjoyed. You should say: -What was the movie? -Who did you watch it with? -What is it about and why did you really enjoy it?
Describe a piece of art (painting, sculpture, etc.) that you appreciate. You should say: - What this piece of art is - Where you saw it - Why it caught your attention - And explain why you appreciate it
Describe a significant historical event in your country. You should say: - what the event was - when it happened and who was involved - what happened - and why you think it was significant.
Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome. You should say: where you saw this person, what relationship you have with this person, how this person looks, and explain why you think this person is handsome or beautiful.
Describe a piece of art you like (it could be a painting, a statue, or even a photograph). You should say: - what the piece of art is - where you saw it - what it looks and feels like - and explain why you like it.
Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome. You should say: who this person is, where you saw this person, what this person looks like, and explain why you think this person is beautiful or handsome.
Describe a long car journey you went on. You should say: - where you went - who you went with - what you did during the journey - how you felt during and after the journey
Describe a time when you traveled by public transportation. You should say: - Where you were going - What kind of public transportation you used - Who you were with - And explain how you felt about this journey
Describe an important journey that was delayed. Please say: - Why you were making this journey - What caused the delay - How you felt about the delay - Explain why this journey was important to you.
Describe a time you made a promise to someone. You should say: - Who you made the promise to - What the promise was - Why you made the promise - And explain how you felt after making the promise
Describe a book you have recently read. You should say: - what the book was - why you chose to read it - what it was about - and explain how you felt about the book.
Describe a book you have recently read. You should say: - What the book was - Why you chose to read it - What the book is about - And explain how you felt after reading the book.
Describe a place full of color that you would like to visit. You should say: - what this place is, - where it is located, - why you would like to go there, - and how you know about this place.
Describe a time when you received money as a gift. You should say - who gave you the money, why they gave it to you, what you did with the money, and explain how you felt after receiving this gift.
Describe a book that had a major influence on you.
Describe a change that will improve your local area. You should say: what the change would be, how it could be done, why it would be beneficial, and explain how you think the change will affect local people.
Describe a book that you have recently read. You should say: - What was the book? - Who was the author? - What was the story about? - Why did the book impress you?
Describe a decision that you disagreed with. Please say - what the decision was, why you disagreed with it, what the outcome was, and explain how you felt about it.
Describe a film you really like. You should say: - What the film is about - Why you like it so much - How often you watch it - And explain what makes this film special to you.